Marvin M’toumo

Marvin M’toumo presents an exhibition of dresses, jewellery, accessories, and photographs, all stemming from his obsession with the figure of the bird.
The former winner of the Chloé 2020 Prize at the Fashion Festival, also a poet and director, presents a succession of sketches in which each of his dresses is a unique bird character. “Le cocorico” (the cock-a-doodle-do), “le chapeau cygne” (the swan hat) and “l’oiseau noir” (the black bird) are all presented at the Château Saint-Pierre which turned into a small theatre for the occasion.
This wardrobe-bestiary, originally born from the encounter of fashion and stage costume expertise, is made up of a variety of creature objects, all of which are both fashion accessories and poetic costumes.
The Oiseau wardrobe consists mainly of feather and eggshell outfits that were originally designed to be worn on stage by dancers and actresses. For the duration of the exhibition, the bird dresses, usually worn on the moving body, are stopped in flight to become still lifes that the audience can at last gaze upon.
The ostrich feather basque no longer twirls.
The egg earrings have shattered.
The Cocorico dress has lost its feathers.

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