“Soleil d’Artifice” Présentation de Madeleine Oltra & Angelo de Taisne
Soleil d’artifice is the name of a phenomenon that can be observed in a swarm of bees preparing to take flight after winter. It is a slow-motion ballet that heralds the arrival of the sun and the beginning of the seasonal harvest. The idea of movement, both soft and solemn, triggered by sunshine, is the inspiration for this project. This image also reminded us of the way large solar furnaces in Pyrénées- Orientales operate.
We drew some inspiration from these faceted buildings designed to harvest and concentrate energy from the sun.
For the collaboration with the expertise of the Goossens House, we imagined metal cases inspired by these faceted, concave sun shields that concentrate light and energy. The project also takes on a mysterious dimension, with its protective embossed metal, like an armour.
The display case and cabinet respond to each other, scattering and reflecting silver and gold
light. Three large embossed brass reflectors rise up from the centre of the display case. Held at metal arm’s length, these shapes dance in orbit around an invisible heart.
These golden reflectors remind us of the elements of an armour that hugs an invented body. The elbows of the metal arms are protected by couters, another reference to the protective
armour. The back of the display case is made up of a huge, concave and solemn staircase screen, echoing the codes of the legendary staircase at rue Cambon in Paris and the entirely faceted solar ovens. The brilliance of the brass pieces is projected onto this silver wall.
The cabinet is made up of a long, precious armour, protected by sections of embossed metal.
On its surface, scattered crystals form dots of liquid colour. Two sharp stings protect the panels of this secret chest. You open it, and all the gold spreads. Studded brass plates cover the interior.
You close the doors for the pleasure of opening them again and letting your gaze become flooded with reflections.