Fashion competition

Prizes & Grants

A Festival partner since 2011, Première Vision
is sponsoring the Grand Prix of the Jury for the 12th consecutive year supporting the finalists in their collection development and production.
The Grand Prix of the jury Première Vision consists of : - a grant of 20,000 euros offered by Première Vision and a high level of visibility during a Première Vision Paris event in February.

  • a collaborative project with the CHANEL Métiers d’art, worth up to 20,000 euros.
  • the conception of a capsule collection that embodies the Galeries Lafayette’s values of inclusivity and diversity in the fashion world
  • an allocation of fabrics and dedicated support from CELC to create one or several silhouettes to help the winner of the Grand Prix du Jury Première Vision in the development of the marketing of his future collection.
  • ICICLE will invite the winner of the Grand Prix du Jury Première Vision to create a capsule collection.
  • Madame Figaro, media partner, will offer a visibility and an editorial to the Grand Prix of the Jury Première Vision.

Grand Partner of the International Festival of Fashion, Photography and Accessories in Hyères since 2014, CHANEL further reinforced its support of the festival’s activities in 2019 with the creation of a prize dedicated to the Métiers d’art.
This prize’s vocation is to reward the best collaboration between the ten finalists of the Fashion prize and ten of the Houses belonging to CHANEL’s Métiers d’art : Ateliers de Verneuil-en-Halatte, Causse, Desrues, Goossens, Lemarié, Lesage, Lognon, Maison Michel, Montex and Paloma.
The winner, chosen by the Fashion jury, will receive a grant of 20,000 euros to make a new creative project that will be unveiled next year, at the 38th edition of the festival.
The name of this prize changed up in 2020 to become the le19M Métiers d’art Prize, echoing the opening of a new Parisian site gathering 11 maisons d’art and the open to all space la Galerie du 19M, promoting the fashion and decoration Métiers d’art. Nearly six hundred artisans and experts are daily at the service of the creativity of French and international brands, large groups as well as independent customers and young generations of designers.

A partner since 2012, Mercedes-Benz is delighted to continue building its longstanding partnership with Festival d’Hyères.
Following the inaugural award in 2021, the Mercedes- Benz Sustainability Prize marks the brand’s ambition to drive responsible luxury forward. Launched together with the brand’s partner Fashion Open Studio, the prize bolsters Mercedes-Benz’ continued support of the next generation of international design talent at the festival.
Selected by the official Festival d’Hyères Fashion Jury, the finalist who best incorporates sustainable methods into the showcased collection, will be announced during the Festival d’Hyères Award Ceremony.
The winning designer will be awarded a 20,000 euros grant by Mercedes-Benz.
Committed to the sustainable future of luxury design, Mercedes-Benz proactively works to future-proof the responsible growth of its fashion partnerships ; highlighting best practices and aligning itself with creatives that reflect and champion values such as outstanding and intuitive design, creativity and innovation since 1995.

In 2022, L’Atelier des Matières becomes a partner of the International Festival of Fashion, Photography and Accessories in Hyères for its 37th edition.
The first ever L’Atelier des Matières prize will be awarded to one of the ten Fashion prize finalists for the creation of a silhouette made from materials provided by the atelier. The designs created by the ten finalists will be presented in two dedicated shows and in the festival showrooms.
A selection of fabrics and leathers worth 10,000€ from L’Atelier des Matières will be made available to the winner.


  • SUPIMA as an official partner of the Hyères Festival, is supporting the finalists of the fashion competition with an endowment of SUPIMA fabric. The finalists using SUPIMA fabric will present their looks during the SUPIMA DESIGN LAB.
  • Puntoseta offers to all awarded designers an original printed fabric.
  • Premiere Classe will showcase the Formers finalists of the Festival in a special showroom during the Paris Fashion Week in October offering them a great visibility for their business development.
  • L’atelier Aymeric Le Deun, specialist in buttons
    and fabric or leather covered fashion accessories, supports the finalists by offering them the production of buttons for their collections.
  • offers to all the award winners the pictures of their first fashion show in Paris.
Alix Habran Jensen, France-Danemark 
Collection Femme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Alix Habran Jensen, France-Danemark
Collection Femme

Jenny Hytönen, Finlande 
Collection Unisexe - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Jenny Hytönen, Finlande
Collection Unisexe

Valentin Lessner, Allemagne 
Collection Homme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Valentin Lessner, Allemagne
Collection Homme

Alizée Loubet et Fernando Miró, France et Brésil 
Collection Homme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Alizée Loubet et Fernando Miró, France et Brésil
Collection Homme

Priss Niinikoski, Finlande 
Collection Femme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Priss Niinikoski, Finlande
Collection Femme

Sini Saavala, Finlande
Collection Femme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Sini Saavala, Finlande
Collection Femme

Antonia Schreiter, Allemagne 
Collection Unisexe - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Antonia Schreiter, Allemagne
Collection Unisexe

Lora Sonney, France
Collection Femme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Lora Sonney, France
Collection Femme

Tim Suessbauer, Allemagne 
Collection Homme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Tim Suessbauer, Allemagne
Collection Homme

Juha Vehmaanperä, Finlande 
Collection Homme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Juha Vehmaanperä, Finlande
Collection Homme

In competition for THE prix le19M DES MÉTIERS D’ART
Alix Habran Jensen et Lognon
France-Danemark, Collection Femme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Alix Habran Jensen et Lognon
France-Danemark, Collection Femme

Jenny Hytönen et Maison Michel
Finlande, Collection Unisexe - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Jenny Hytönen et Maison Michel
Finlande, Collection Unisexe

Valentin Lessner et Montex
Allemagne, Collection Homme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Valentin Lessner et Montex
Allemagne, Collection Homme

Alizée Loubet et Fernando Miró et Causse
France et Brésil, Collection Homme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Alizée Loubet et Fernando Miró et Causse
France et Brésil, Collection Homme

Priss Niinikoski et Paloma
Finlande, Collection Femme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Priss Niinikoski et Paloma
Finlande, Collection Femme

Sini Saavala et Lemarié
Finlande, Collection Femme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Sini Saavala et Lemarié
Finlande, Collection Femme

Antonia Schreiter et Ateliers de Verneuil-en-Halatte
Allemagne, Collection Unisexe - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Antonia Schreiter et Ateliers de Verneuil-en-Halatte
Allemagne, Collection Unisexe

Lora Sonney et Goossens
France, Collection Femme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Lora Sonney et Goossens
France, Collection Femme

Tim Suessbauer et Lesage
Allemagne, Collection Homme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Tim Suessbauer et Lesage
Allemagne, Collection Homme

Juha Vehmaanperä et Desrues
Finlande, Collection Homme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Juha Vehmaanperä et Desrues
Finlande, Collection Homme

Alix Habran Jensen
France-Danemark, Collection Femme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Alix Habran Jensen
France-Danemark, Collection Femme

Jenny Hytönen
Finlande, Collection Unisexe - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Jenny Hytönen
Finlande, Collection Unisexe

Valentin Lessner
Allemagne, Collection Homme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Valentin Lessner
Allemagne, Collection Homme

Alizée Loubet et Fernando Miró
France et Brésil, Collection Homme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Alizée Loubet et Fernando Miró
France et Brésil, Collection Homme

Priss Niinikoski
Finlande, Collection Femme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Priss Niinikoski
Finlande, Collection Femme

Sini Saavala
Finlande, Collection Femme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Sini Saavala
Finlande, Collection Femme

Antonia Schreiter
Allemagne, Collection Unisexe - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Antonia Schreiter
Allemagne, Collection Unisexe

Lora Sonney
France, Collection Femme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Lora Sonney
France, Collection Femme

Tim Suessbauer
Allemagne Collection Homme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Tim Suessbauer
Allemagne Collection Homme

Juha Vehmaanperä
Finlande, Collection Homme - © Villa Noailles Hyères

Juha Vehmaanperä
Finlande, Collection Homme

Festival commissions on the finalists’ collections:

Mathieu Selvatici: artistic direction photography and video

Antoine Harinthe: photography

Akim Laouar: videos

Sébastien Martinez- Barat & Benjamin Lafore: MBL architects, fashion show decor

Rikkert Paauw (Special mention of the jury Design Parade Toulon 2016): showroom design

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