On site

Throughout the year, the Villa Noailles organises free workshops in connection with its programme, aimed at young people and adults.

The workshops take place outside school hours for young people and during festivals for adults.


Saturday, June 1st from 10 am to 12 pm
at Villa Romaine,
38 Boulevard d’Orient,
83400 Hyères

This workshop offers a moment of family conviviality.

Why the creation of a terrarium in particular?
Creating a terrarium is a fun way
to learn about and understand the environment and the
needs of a plant.

By creating a terrarium, we will recreate the plant’s natural habitat, providing it with the necessary elements for its development.

Thus, it is a great exercise to raise awareness about nature and plants, for both children and adults.

Bryan’s passion for plants was born through his various travels. He discovered their incredible diversity and beauty. Each plant has its own needs and specificities.

It is based on this idea that he imagined Racine. It is not just a shop, but a place for sharing and exchanging ideas about plants, with the aim of bringing nature back to the heart of our cities.

A native of Hyères, it was only natural for him to choose this city to grow his project.


Watercolor Workshop🎨🧑‍🎨

With Axel Champloy
Family workshop suitable for ages 6 and up

Sunday, May 5th
at the villa Noailles

Workshop time slots:
from 10am to 11am
from 11am to 12pm
from 2pm to 3pm
from 3pm to 4pm

Join us for a watercolor workshop led by the artist painter Axel Champloy. For 1 hour, you will learn to refine or discover watercolor and drawing techniques with guidance from the artist. This workshop will focus on the peony, highlighted during this weekend at Villa Noailles.

Artist’s Biography:
Axel Champloy is a slow traveler, whether by sailboat or bicycle, he views the world with a contemplative eye infused with ecology and humanism. After brief art studies, he decided to embark on his own with only brushes, a watercolor set, and a desire to explore the world. At 23, he has already traveled extensively and sailed the seas. He has published 2 books, exhibited at Villa Noailles and for the Port-Cros National Park, and received the University Prize for Travel Sketchbooks (2023).


On site - © Villa Noailles Hyères
Annual artistic creation workshops (2023-2024)

Opening of registrations for the annual workshops of artistic creation

Mandatory registration for the 8 sessions scheduled on Saturdays from November to June:
November 18th, December 2nd, January 20th, February 17th, March 16th, April 13th, May 18th, and final session on June 1st

Workshops for ages 8-12:
From 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Workshops for ages 13-16:
From 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM

with Lora Sonney

Lora Sonney offers an introductory workshop on upcycling techniques. By asking each child to collect several clothing/accessories (minimum of 3) that they no longer wear but still cherish (for the fabric, color, print, shape, memories…), they will collectively imagine new fashion creations by experimenting with pattern making and textile embellishment techniques.

Lora Sonney is a Franco-Swiss designer. A graduate of HEAD in Master Fashion and Accessories Design, Lora developed her universe during her five years of training in Geneva and through her experience with brands such as CELINE, MARINE SERRE, and as a textile designer at Jakob Schlaepfer in Switzerland. She was a finalist in the fashion competition of the 37th edition of the International Festival of Fashion, Photography, and Accessories – Hyères.
Surrounded by rural landscapes since childhood, she is influenced in her creations by nature. Whether it’s her bold color combinations or material experiments, her design techniques consistently reflect a form of traditional craftsmanship and expertise.

with Ella Bats

The photography workshop will encourage observation and creation throughout the year through different lenses. There will be both a photographic approach through shooting, as well as a plastic approach using collage, drawing, painting, disguises, transformation, to revisit the art of photography with a fresh perspective.

Ella Bats is a French photographer based in Paris. There is a close relationship between painting and material in her work, which she translates through art, fashion, and portraiture.
Photography has always been for her both a means of representing a world and an attempt to understand others.
Her work has been exhibited at Samaritaine, Palais Brongniart during the Tranoï Showroom, Ellia Art Gallery, Madé Gallery, and was auctioned at Fashion for Sidaction. Ella was a finalist in the photography competition of the 37th edition of the International Festival of Fashion, Photography, and Accessories – Hyères and the Picto Fashion Photography Prize in 2021. She won the Young Talents Prize from the Associated Agents in 2021.
Click here to register 👈

with Peaks

Fantasy Noailles
In many ways, the Villa Noailles is akin to a hotel of fantasies. This year’s architecture workshop proposes to continue this dreamed immersion in the villa to transform its spaces and inhabit them collectively: between luxury hotel and frugal bivouac. What if each participant could transform one of the spaces of the villa to temporarily inhabit it? Creating rooms, imagining common spaces, transforming the pool, gymnasium, squash court, galleries, and outdoor courtyards. Throughout the year, we will focus on imagining the future transformation of the places: through surveys first, then drawings, collages, the production of a series of large models, and immersive photographs.

Charles Aubertin is an architect, co-founder of the Peaks agency, working between Paris and Marseille. The practice he develops there with his associates unfolds on different scales: from landscape to furniture, from the fire station to temporary scenography, from collective housing to bivouac areas. The agency deploys in its production project strategies without preconceptions. Architecture becomes camouflage or event, low tech and elementary, articulating autonomous forms and contextual objects, detailing science and tinkering.
In 2016, they intervened at Villa Noailles as scenographers for the Landskating architecture exhibition.
Click here to register 👈

with Hall.haus

The main objective of this workshop is to introduce children to the fascinating world of design while allowing them to create their own design brand.
Each workshop will begin with a theoretical input of 30 minutes depending on the phase of the workshop (history of design, materials and processes, marketing aspects…), followed by a practical exercise of 30 minutes (creating a logo, making a model…). The remaining 2 hours will be dedicated to creating their brand and product.
The educational objective is to understand how brands are created and the mechanisms they put in place to make us consume their products.

Hall.haus is an organization of four designers founded in early 2020 by Abdoulaye Niang, Sammy Bernoussi, Teddy Sanches, and Zakari Boukhari. They advocate for a creative approach stemming from a journey between their environment (hall) and design (haus). Abdoulaye, Sammy, and Teddy are graduates of ENSCI in industrial design and Zakari is currently studying Energy Process Engineering at Arts et Métiers school. Finalists of the 16th edition of the International Design Festival, Design Parade Hyères, their fields of action in design are: object, experience, and transmission. This organization aims to envision the world of tomorrow using their multicultural heritage from design, the street (in the broad sense), and their origins, to act in favor of ecological transition, to make design more accessible, especially to the younger generations.
Click here to register 👈

Free within the limit of available places

For more information, contact mediation@villanoailles.com

Annual workshops 2022-2023

Annual Workshops 2022/2023
Registration opens for the annual art workshops
Mandatory registration for the 9 sessions scheduled on Saturdays from November to June
19 NOVEMBER, 10 DECEMBER, 14 JANUARY, 4 FEBRUARY , 4 MARCH, 18 MARCH, 13 APRIL, 18 MAY et le 3 JUNE (final )

Free, subject to availability.

Workshops for 8-12 year olds: from 9.30am to 12.30pm
Workshops for 13-16 year olds: from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm

Somchit Sinthirath studied at the Studio Berçot, then followed an extensive training in pattern making at the Chambre Syndicale de la Couture. In 22 years of fashion experience, she has experimented with different jobs: model mechanic, first hand, pattern maker, workshop manager, fashion workshop coordinator. She has worked for Dior, Galliano, Paco Rabanne, Nina Ricci, Guy Laroche, Louis Vuitton, Jean Colonna, Rue du Mail, Pascal Humbert, Carven, Lanvin and has taught at Studio Berçot and HEAD in Geneva. Today, she puts her expertise at the service of unique projects and creations, respectful of fashion know-how. So, let’s head for the flea markets, the family cupboards, grandpa’s and grandma’s treasure chests, the stocks of the villa Noailles. We are going to transform all this material into a unique and unusual wardrobe.
Fashion brings with it the possibility of change, and particularly change in our habits, in the way we create and consume.
Why buy a new fabric when there are so many to reuse? Fabrics at the end of their life, clothes that have already been worn; all these materials that already exist and are just waiting to be transformed.
The annual session of the Fashion workshop aims to learn how to create and produce differently: To be inventive with what you find, to feel the freedom to experiment, and especially to take the time to give used objects a second chance.

Sarah Makharine is a photographer and director. After 10 years of experience in audiovisual production as an artistic director, Sarah has changed careers and joined the Kourtrajmé school in the Art and Image section under the direction of JR. Her work mixes photographic series, videos and sound pieces.
Her means of production, often compact, are adapted to her subject: the human being. She deconstructs prejudices and the sexualisation of bodies by going to meet anonymous, isolated women and men, often invisibilised by society and religions, and captures their bodies, their gazes and their voices, which she confronts with those of her public through her installations. The Villa Noailles has commissioned her twice: for the Design Parade Toulon festival and for the 37th International Festival of Fashion, Photography and Accessories - Hyères.
This annual session of workshops will approach photography as a means of transmission: Choosing one’s photographic subjects, developing one’s thinking, and in so doing one’s technique are steps that will lead the participants step by step to their own final exhibition that will reveal different facets of youth.
Sarah has chosen to involve other people working with images. Sharing the experience of filmmakers, war reporters, etc., will feed this cycle of workshops, allowing young photographers to discover perhaps unsuspected professions and different mediums to express their relationship to the world and to others.

ARCHITECTURE with ROQUE ARCHITECTES (Delphine and Amandine Roque)
Roque architectes is an agency founded in Languedoc by two sisters, Delphine and Amandine. Their projects reveal scenarios to be lived in, built with materials that mark the site, but resolutely turned towards current issues. Their vision is also at the level of children. Convinced that today’s children are tomorrow’s builders, they are committed to training to awaken their eyes, to be attentive walkers, open to the languages of art in general, and of architecture in particular.
Workshop 8-12 years old.
June 2022, Marie-Laure and Charles de Noailles recall their architect:
“Robert, some friends are coming, we need several huts! We need to be able to assemble and dismantle them quickly”.
Your mission: to propose a cabin, the place: in the garden of the villa, your power: imagination, your super-tools: pencils, paper, model material, limit to imagination: none!
Workshop 13-16 years old.
June 2022, Marie Laure and Charles de Noailles call their architect back:
“Robert, we need an office! We have to telework from Hyères. Quickly, we need an office!
Your mission: to propose a new extension that would accommodate an office, the location: around the garden of the villa, towards the great landscape, your superpowers: curiosity and ability to observe, your tools: pencils, paper, model material, limits to imagination: none!

Stéven Cöeffic is an artist and designer, trained at the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, graduating in 2015 with honours. The central subject of his research activity is the idea of distraction in a functional environment. Questioning the relationship of users to everyday objects, he intends to redefine the experience of the purely functional, intuitive, direct, by introducing a playful dimension, a friction in the manipulation that gives a new meaning to the gesture. Through a playful and surprising conversation, he gives access, every day, to a moment of functional distraction. Stéven is the winner of the Special Mention of the Design Parade Hyères 2022 Jury.
During the 9 sessions of the design workshop, we will design, draw and make ceramic switches.
We will then invent a story for them, a fictional universe. This story will be the distraction that accompanies the switch.
Domestic electricity is a controlled form of energy that is used to power many machines for lighting, heating, cooling and communication. Humans share their daily lives with electrical objects. The control of the opening and closing of a flow of electricity is made possible by an intermediate element called a ’switch’. It is the only way to access the functions of an electrical object.
Thinking about this element makes the act of operating it both conscious and distracting.

Annual workshops 2021-2022

Registration opens for annual art workshops
children from 8 to 12 years old, teenagers from 13 to 16 years old

with Louise Desnos, finalist of the 31st International Festival, of Fashion, Photography and Fashion Accessories - Hyères 2016

with Marvin M’Toumo, winner of the Chloé Prize at the 35th International of Fashion, Photography and Fashion Accessories Festival - Hyères 2020

with Jean Rodet, Concorde architecture & urbanisme, finalist of the interior design competition Design Parade Toulon 2019

with Marie Cornil, guest designer for the scenography of the Manufacto exhibition and the finalists of the Design Parade competition in Hyères 2021

From November to June, workshop participants are welcomed once a month, on Saturdays, to discover an artist and create.
The year of workshops ends in mid-June with a large public presentation with exhibitions of the creations and a fashion show.

13 November - 4 December - 22 January - 26 February - 12 March - 26 March - 2 April - 14 May - 11 June

For children aged 8 to 12: mornings from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm, registration for the whole year (from November to June)
For teenagers aged 13 to 16: in the afternoon from 2.30 to 5.30 p.m. (possibility of registering for a session in a chosen field or for the year)

Please register with mediation@villanoailles-hyeres.com

Annual workshops, previous years

FASHION / Marianna Ladreyt
DESIGN / Marie Cornil
PHOTOGRAPHY / Hubert Crabières

FASHION / Ester Manas
DESIGN / Camille Viallet and Théo Leclercq
PHOTOGRAPHY / Émile Kirsch

FASHION / Lucas Bauer
DESIGN / Pernelle Poyet
ARCHITECTURE / Benjamin Aubry
PHOTOGRAPHY / Anaïs Boileau

FASHION / Liselore Frowijn
DESIGN / Piot-Barbette
ARCHITECTURE / Studio Quetzal

FASHION / Xenia Laffely
DESIGN / Laureline Galliot
PHOTOGRAPHY / Laetitia Bica

On site - © Villa Noailles Hyères

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