35th International Festival of Fashion, Photography and Fashion Accessories - Hyères
from 15 to 28 October 2020Extension of the exhibitions of the 35th International Festival of Fashion, Photography and Fashion Accessories until January 2021
Jean-Pierre Blanc is both the founder and the director of the festival which will be presided over by Pascale Mussard.
Since 1986, the festival has promoted and supported young international fashion design, since 1997 a competition has also existed for emerging photographer and this year, for the fourth time, a competition will also recognise young fashion accessory designers. The festival is acknowledged as the oldest fashion competition aimed at young professionals.
Several prizes are awarded to the competing designers thanks to grants provided by the festival’s partners who commit, together with the festival, to provide long term support. Practical assistance is provided right from the selection stage as well as during a period of two years in various different domains: financing, production, workmanship, materials, production, legal, media, exhibitions, workshops and residencies.
This year again new partners are providing their support for this young generation by joining together with the arts centre.
In order to conform with the current health measures, all possible actions have been taken to ensure the festival occurs in the best of conditions:
- The number of visitors has been reduced by 50%
- Reservation is mandatory for all of the events (inauguration, catwalk shows and live broadcasts, awards ceremonies, performances…)
- Masks are mandatory (hand sanitiser and masks will be available)
- Social distancing (Floor indications, one seat empty - either side)
- Check in at the entrance (conform with the measures, tickets)
Thank you for your understanding.
Live broadcasts and recordings in Hyères and online (website, Instagram, Facebook) will be available so that everyone can discover the artists taking part in this 35th edition.
Information is available on: villanoailles-hyeres.com
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @villanoailles
Let us fight together against Covid-19 #tousmobilisés
Festival’s guests (juries, artists, finalists) and the whole team work in the frame of sanitary measures validated by an independant control office.
- Rewind of the sanitary measures to all, posters with sanitary measures in every location
- Masks are mandatory
- Hand washing, social distancing
- Distribution of kits including masks, gloves and hand sanitiser)
- Social distancing in work and food spaces
- Individual rooms for team and guests
- Every companies that participate in the festival accord to respect teh sanitary measures (hotels, restaurants, suppliers, drivers…)